
Meet Nick!

We’re welcoming another new face to our growing team, and we’re very excited to introduce you to Nick Holloway!

Joining us as our new Commercial Operations Manager, Nick will be heading up our ESG strategy, and helping us on our journey towards achieving Net Zero status.  

Grab a brew and settle down to meet the newest member of A.D…

Hi Nick, it’s great to have you on board! 

So, what brought you to A.D.?

I was looking for a new opportunity and was fortunate enough to meet Amo & Nick Green and was genuinely impressed by their passion.

Once they explained their plans for their future and took me through their commercial aspirations, I knew I wanted to join the company.  

Their ethos aligns with so much of my previous experiences that I knew A.D. would be a great fit for me.  

What excites you most about joining our team? 

A.D. have some amazing clients and exciting projects to get involved with.

I’m looking forward to working across the business and looking for opportunities to make a positive impact on how we operate and how we deliver exceptional services. 

What motivates you? 

Results. I love seeing how you’ve made changes for the better. Even small improvements can make a big difference.

How will you support and inspire our customers? 

By listening. 

It’s important to be open to what our customers have to say and understand what they need. 

So many businesses we work with are going through their own ESG journey, and we want to support them in the best way possible, whilst upholding what’s right for us. 

I believe in collaboration, and that starts with open communication. When we work together we really can achieve great things. 

What makes a great team for you?

A great team is always well-balanced. When skills are shared across a team, and you have people willing to help and pass their knowledge on to each other, you can’t go far wrong.

What are your passions outside of work? 

Family is a huge part of my life and for me, nothing beats watching my kid’s football matches at the weekend. I’ve been eyeing up some sustainable merch to take with me on those cold mornings… I hear we have a pretty awesome drinkware range! 

We’re a team of animal lovers here at A.D., do you have any pets? 

Well, I’m happy to join the animal lovers gang! We have a Labradoodle called Luther and a Goldendoodle called Otis. 

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why? 

Be able to fly. Have you seen the cost of flights these days!? 

Tea, coffee or both? 

Both! Depends on what mood I’m in but if you’re popping the kettle on, I’m taking you up on the offer of a brew!



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