
A Coffee with Steph

This month we’re sharing a coffee with our wonderful Account Manager, Steph. 

Super organised and upbeat, we can always count on Steph to bring positive energy and bags of passion to every project she works on. Let’s meet the woman behind the world’s most organised inbox and find out what makes her tick… 

A.D. Team Steph

First up, we want to know what motivates you?

Results. I love to see people happy with the products and services we provide.

Do you have a business bestie?

Katie! We have worked together in a few different places and are always there for each other.

A.D. Team Katie

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

To always do your best. As long as you have done that, then you know you can do no more.

If you weren’t an Account manager what would you be doing?

I would love to have been a teacher. For little ones – not talk-back teenagers!

Seems like you’re talking from experience there! 

So, what is your passion outside of work?

My family. We love to go on walks and watch movies together.

What’s your favourite time of day?

Morning, the day has just begun and the possibilities are endless.

What was the last thing you bought?

Chocolate of course.

a pile of chocolate bars sitting on top of each other.

Tea or coffee? Or both?

Both, but coffee has to be a good one. Just one good cup a day is perfect.

How do you support and inspire our customers?

It’s important to listen to their requirements and understand what they’re trying to achieve. From here, I’ll offer a range of items, including sustainable options, to help them find the best solution. I will also contact them and let them know about new products and solutions I think they’d be interested in.  

Countryside or city?

Countryside. I love a breathtaking view.

How would you define Creative Connections?

Where design meets product. It’s amazing how a different branding technique or logo repositioning can transform a standard promotional product. We offer inspiration that brings ideas to life.

What is the best thing about being a Planet Positive Person?

We have to do better for the planet, so every positive step we take is important. If being a Planet Positive Person inspires another company to do the same, then it has helped.

If you had an extra weeks’ holiday each year, what would you do?

I love the beach, so I’d head off for a relaxing beach holiday.

a sandy path leading to the beach with tall grass.

If you could be any Game of Thrones character, which one would you be?

They all die and have some tragic existence, so I’m not sure I fancy being any of them.

How do you deliver the most value to your clients?

Customer service is my strength. I make sure I respond to my clients in a timely, polite manner with all the information they need. I aim to be there for them whenever they need an answer and ensure that they understand the process at all times.

What makes a great team for you?

A team who are always there for you and are understanding, inspirational, motivational, challenging and reliable.

What three traits define you?

Dependable. Polite. Helpful. 

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?

Fly. It’s a long journey to Manchester and flying would be so much quicker!

What does your desk look like?

Tidy of course. Tidy workspace, tidy mind!

Do you have any business/life rituals that are non-negotiable?

I can’t leave an email unanswered. There is a time limit and no matter how busy I am, I must respond swiftly. I’m also a strong believer in taking responsibility and being respectful of other people’s time. 

Where do you hang out online – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin?

I ditched Facebook a while ago, but I do Linkedin for work.

How many apps do you have on your phone?

Quite a few, although I don’t use them all that often.

What’s the one thing you could not live without?


Are you a crammer or a planner?


Where is your favourite place to be?

With my husband, high up, looking at a view or standing on the beach looking out to sea.

How do you start most mornings?

Walking my dog Bella (11-year-old Lurcher), we often go around the lake and visit all the ducks, swans and coots.

a person walking a dog on a beach next to a body of water.

How many languages can you speak?

One, plus bad GCSE French. 

What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling)

What’s your favourite of the A.D. brand values and why?

Taking care – we all need to take better care of the planet and each other. It is a life lesson, not just a work one.


Get in touch with us today, and get to know Steph more!

Let’s make something awesome together



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