
Quickfire Q&A with Steve!

It’s time for another Quickfire Q&A, and this time we’re meeting the creative mastermind behind some of our most creative campaigns – Steve! 

Steve’s been with us for over 10 years and makes a pretty mean brew, so if you’re ever lucky enough to be offered one, take him up on it! 

Talking of brews, have you got yours? It’s time to meet Steve… 

Hi Steve! For those who don’t know you, can you tell them a little bit about what you do here at A.D.? 

In simplest terms, I make things look nice! There’s a lot more to it than that, but I guess that sums it up pretty well! I get involved in the marketing side, social media, blogs, I.T. and web stuff too. 

I genuinely love working here, the team makes it like a big family.

What was your first job?

Designer. Yes, that’s really what I’ve done for the last 30 years. Can’t believe it’s been that long, to be honest, but it’s a job that I love and I can’t see me doing anything else.

What energises you at work? 

The energy from the team. This industry is always evolving, and it’s refreshing to discover new products and branding techniques that can really bring a brand to life.

What led you to your career?

Straight out of university, I managed to get a work placement at a design agency in Manchester, and I never looked back. 10 years ago, I fancied a change, and this opportunity at A.D. came up that offered me a different direction while still putting all that experience I had to good use.

If you could have a dream job other than working at A.D., what would it be?

I’d like to have been in a profession that really makes a difference to people’s lives – a doctor, paramedic or the police – but I don’t think I have the right personality for those types of jobs! For now, I’ll just have to be content with creating fantastic branded products for our customers.

What’s your guilty pleasure TV? 

Wheeler Dealers – I got addicted to this in lockdown and just have to watch it if it’s on the telly! Plus The Repair Shop too, I love seeing something old and broken being given a new lease of life.

Best movie? 

I can’t pick just one! The first 2 Alien movies, anything Star Wars related, Fight Club, The Matrix, Seven, The Departed, 1917 and Inception.

Best TV?

Line of Duty, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things & Peaky Blinders

Top book recommendations? 

I would love to have more time to read books, in fact, that was my one New Year’s Resolution, so watch this space! I used to read lots of horror fiction, so I would like to get back to that.

Best band?

My music tastes are pretty varied, ranging from indie bands, rock, dance, funk and downtempo stuff. Some of my favourites are Elbow, Radiohead, Gaz Coombes, The Smile, Arctic Monkeys, The Chemical Brothers, Foo Fighters, The Joy Formidable, Bonobo, Michael Kiwanuka, Maribou State, Hans Zimmer and Kings of Leon. It’s a constant battle trying to educate the young ones in the office who have never heard of any of the above!

Best gig? 

Foo Fighters, they played at Old Trafford a few years back, and it was the best night. We took some customers with the A.D. team, and it was a brilliant gig by a talented band.

Top 3 acts you’d love to see live

I’d love to have witnessed the genius of Prince, Elvis and The Beatles play live. I would also like to see Kings of Leon, Radiohead and Elbow.

If you could play one character in TV or Film, who would it be and why? 

Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders. A perfect mix of unhinged brutality with a vulnerable side. I wouldn’t be able to do it justice, Cillian Murphy is the perfect actor for that role.

Best Hero?

Deadpool. How cool would it be to re-grow whole limbs and never be able to die?

Best Villian? 

Darth Vadar has got to be the ultimate baddie.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Pizza… but only if it was calorie-free and didn’t increase my waistline. Well, I can dream!

Top 3 words your best friend would use to describe you? 

Reliable, friendly and generous

Top 3 words your mum would use to describe you? 

Kind, honest and cheeky

Best holiday destination?

Gran Canaria, I had the best lads’ holiday there when I was in my early 20s, so I’ll always have fond memories of the place. That and Ibiza, but I don’t remember much of that holiday due to the high amount of alcohol consumed!

If you won 10 million pounds, what would you do?

You wouldn’t see me for dust! I’d buy a nice house, and a fast car and then live off the rest.

Top 3 dinner party guests and why? 

Billy Connelly – for the funny stories and views on life. Ricky Gervais – for the same reasons and, to mix it up a bit, Robert De Niro. To be honest, I wouldn’t get a word in, but it would be a great night!

If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be? 

Super strength – I’d use it to get into the food packaging that’s becoming more and more difficult to open. A sign that I’m getting older, so I’m told!

If I were invisible, I would… 

Cause trouble and blame it on my enemies, so tread carefully!!

What would the title of your autobiography be?

“Job’s a good ’un”

Tell us a fun fact that people may not know about you… 

I once worked with Jeremy Beadle on a project. No, I didn’t prank anyone! 

Thanks Steve! We’ll meet you in the staff kitchen for a lunchtime disco! 



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