10 ways to help save our planet this Christmas
It’s Chrrriiiiiiiiiiistmas! You might want to go all out and we don’t blame you, but at A.D., we’re all thinking about our planet too. We’ve made a list of ten amazing ways you can look after our planet this Christmas, while making the most amazing memories with your loved ones.
1. Get a real Christmas tree
Buy a real tree from a sustainable source (of course). You would have to reuse an artificial tree for at least ten years to keep its environmental impact lower than a real tree. We would especially love it if you could also consider buying a tree with roots – that way, it can be replanted – and, if you know us, you know how much planting trees means to us!
2. A bag for life, not just for Christmas
When you’re out and about buying Christmas essentials, don’t forget to take along your bag for life. Carrier bags account for 70% of coastal plastic waste – don’t add to that stat.
3. Scrap the wrap
Did you know that in the UK, we throw out enough wrapping paper to circle the globe nine times (scary, we know). Recycling it can be difficult because of the materials used, so it often ends up in landfill. So what do we do?
Do you have that one relative that can’t be bothered to wrap your present? Yes? Then take a leaf out of their book! Scrap the wrap and get creative. Why not use old maps, newspapers, or even old fabric?
4. Don’t bite off more than you can chew
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a Christmas dinner, but did you know more than a third of households throw away more food waste at Christmas than they do at any other time of year? The carbon footprint of our Christmas dinner is also estimated to be around 49,000 miles. This year, buy less and buy local. Why not compost all your food peelings too?
5. Switch to rechargeable batteries
Lots of things at Christmas need batteries, especially toys! Batteries are hard to get rid of and usually end up in landfill, and because the toxic chemicals in them mean they do not biodegrade. If you haven’t already, now is your time to try switching to rechargeable batteries instead. OR at least try and recycle them if you don’t like the idea of rechargeable ones. Even better, go battery free with your gifts this year!
6. Choose ethical and sustainable gifts
Not all gifts have to cost the earth (quite literally). Choose gifts that are ethical and sustainable. You can do this by buying locally, purchasing experiences rather than products, browsing charity shops, or making sure you buy from reputable sellers.
7. Recycle. Recycle. Recycle.
Recycling helps to save energy, protect the environment, and reduce landfill. So, don’t bin it, recycle it! From Christmas cards to Christmas trees, most things can be recycled – it doesn’t have to be a chore either. Enjoy your time off, you can recycle everything once the festivities are over!
9. Buy Less
We’re all guilty of buying too much at Christmas. Last year, people in the UK received 70 million unwanted Christmas gifts. By buying less gifts you could reduce the amount of waste you contribute to. So, what can you do instead…?
10. Gift an experience
Reduce your waste this Christmas and choose an experience to give to your loved ones instead. It will mean more anyway! Make this Christmas a memorable one by doing something together.
And the best one (in our opinion) – Adopt an animal
From Orangutans to Tigers, there are now 41,415 species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species – threatened with extinction. You can adopt an animal through the WWF website.
Let’s enjoy Christmas this year, but let’s also enjoy our planet for as long as we can too! Find out more about what else team A.D. does to look after our planet here:
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