
Quickfire Q&A with Matt!

We’re back with our next instalment of A.D.’s Quickfire Q&A, and this time we’re joined by the brilliant Matt Norton! 

Matt’s been with us for just over 12 months and has done an incredible job since joining us – always going out of his way to help our customers find the most creative, innovative solutions. 

Ready to get to know Matt? You know what to do, grab a brew… 

Hi Matt! For those who don’t know you, can you tell them a little bit about what you do here at A.D.? 

I offer both creative and logistical solutions to our customers. 

My aim is always to look after their merchandise needs so they can concentrate on the rest of their job.

I love working with customers and also love seeing my colleagues all working together to achieve our goals

What energises you at work? 

I’m always driven to do a great job for our customers and motivated by a fear of not being the very best I can be, I genuinely care about doing a great job for our customers. 

I feel very privileged to have a job I enjoy, and I don’t take that for granted.

What led you to your career?

I got into this industry by accident really. It was the first job I applied for when coming back to the North West, and as many people will agree, it’s a great industry to be part of. 

If you could have a dream job other than working at A.D., what would it be?

Journalist or broadcaster, probably on sport or politics.

What’s your guilty pleasure TV? 

Coronation Street, I don’t watch every episode, but I think there is so much humour in the way it’s written.

Best TV? 

The West Wing – to go back in time. More recently, I’ve enjoyed things like Killing Eve and Happy Valley, I love a good drama.

Best movie? 

I love films, and sometimes people make fun of some of my favourites, for instance, I love Clueless & Speed (albeit that is mainly due to Sandara Bullock)! 

Some of my favourite films include True Romance and Slumdog Millionaire. 

Top book recommendations? 

The Chimp Paradox, it’s a kind of self-help book for the mind. Fiction-wise, Gone Girl – if you haven’t seen the film yet read the book first!

Best band?

I love U2, and have seen them live every few years since I was 18. I also try to keep up to date with new bands, currently, I’d recommend The K’s & The Last Dinner Party – great if you grew up on 90’s indie/alternative type music like me. 

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Not sure it’d be great to eat forever, but I love Cheese! Anybody who hears me trying to make a joke will agree. 

Best holiday destination?

Of the places I’ve been, Barcelona.

If you won 10 million pounds what would you do?

Maybe drop down to a 4-day working week. 

Top 3 dinner party guests and why? 

Alex Ferguson, Tony Blair & Bono. Basically, three people I admire hugely. I appreciate these three are loved or loathed by people, but it’s my dinner party!!

If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be? 

Make time stand still. 

What would the title of your autobiography be?

“Is It That Time Already!?” 

Tell us a fun fact that people may not know about you… 

As a child after a walk through a muddy field returning home, my dad said “Wipe your feet on the doormat”, I replied slightly confused “Which door should I wipe them on Dad?”

Thanks Matt! Movie night at yours next time!



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